Saturday, May 17, 2008

Sad Day

T*day is sad. I'm g*ing to buy myself a shake. Why? Because I deserve a treat.

#1 Eddie is g*ne. He left me f*r anther man. *r *ther men, WTF. Maybe n*t anther man, but f*r a c*mpany kn*wn as Rubberball. He left this aftern**n f*r B*st*n. He w*n't be h*me until Wednesday. Maybe part *f it is that I'm bitter. I want t* g*!

I kn* is r*ugh. I just keep trying t* remember that I will get s* much d*ne while he is g*ne.

#2 I hurt myself. I kn*w...whats new? I went t* tell my c*nstructi*n supervis*r that I gt hurt and bef*re I said anything he laughed and said "Did y*u get hurt again!?" And I did. I was using a drill t* drill thr*ugh a plank and there was a bunch *f t*rque *n the drill s* it was hard t* handle. After d*ing a bunch *f drills my finger was killing me. I st*pped and g*t my Dad t* finish the drills. It didn't take l*ng f*r my finger t* get m*re and m*re stiff, and s**n I realized my finger w*uldn't bend very far d*wn. N*t l*ng after, it started t* swell up. N*w it's huge and w*n't bend. Hence the lack *f the letter "O." I did that just f*r y*u with my *ther finger. Its hard t* push that key d*wn with a fat, n*t m*ving finger. It hurts. Make sure t* c*nvert every * into a O.

The *ther day I gt a bad splinter (the kind y*u need t* use a knife t* get it *ut) and Eddie t*ld me I sh*uld tell my c*nstructi*n supervis*r, which I did. Hes was really nice and said "well darn, make sure y*u clean it *ut." Then the c*nfusing part. "Yesterday I jammed my finger." K, was he kidding?! If I get t* ask G*d a questi*n it will pr*bably be "Was Spencer being sarcastic and making fun *f me f*r telling him ab*ut my splinter when he t*ld me ab*ut his finger jam?" I h*pe n*t. I'm t*ugh. M*re t*ugh than m*st *f the *thers I'm w*rking with. It's just...*bvi*usly safety is n*t the first thing that c*mes t* a pers*ns head if they were willing t* be ar*und a stupid, head-kicking h*rse. Hence the c*nstant injuries and fat hurting finger.


Blogger Barbara Everson said...

I'm never sure on this blog if it's Eddie doing the blogging or Bree. Help me! xoxoxo

May 19, 2008 at 1:22 PM  
Blogger Shannon said...

I totally understand... Mitch was gone in AZ for business last week and it was tough. (oh yeah and he was also gone last summer for 3 months!) we need our husbands around to keep us sane.

May 19, 2008 at 8:42 PM  
Blogger Breanne King said...

Grandma, it's always me (Bree). Eddie can, but not once has he posted on here! So I guess I get to be his voice.

May 20, 2008 at 10:07 AM  
Blogger Barbara Everson said...

I wanted to know who put up the whore and cocaine thing. I was hoping it was Eddie!!

May 21, 2008 at 7:10 PM  
Blogger Dawn said...

It is such a bummer when the spouse is out of town. Come over any time if you're bored or lonely.

May 22, 2008 at 10:11 AM  
Blogger Breanne King said...

Oh grandma, that was of course me. I have no shame. You'd love that show... Arrested is so witty. And its off the air...there's only 3 you don't feel like you will get stuck and it will waste your time because it ends.

May 22, 2008 at 11:00 AM  

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