Sunday, June 7, 2009

Hair ADD

I felt like it was about time for a little more change. I realize and accept that my hair doesn't grow, so its not really an option for me to grow my hair longer. Therefore, a change of color was really all I could do. One day I'll shave my hair clean off, but until then...So I decided it was time to go blond. I was pretty blond when I was a kid and while living in CA because I was outside in the sun every day. Sometimes people think I dye my hair dark. Not true. Well I have done it a couple times, but it fades out eventually.

I felt like this was a big deal. Its interesting how you think that you're life is so much more important to other people than it really is. Maybe thats just me. I spent about a half hour with my Dad before I finally asked "do you see anything DIFFERENT?!" And he said "you just dyed your hair back to how it was."

I think next time its going to be all bleached. I'm just all about the dramatic changes. I figured Im not getting any younger and I want to do stuff with my hair. Soon enough it will be a fux paux. However, I feel like at the same time it makes me look older. Like 1/2 my friends moms from my home ward. Thats kind of weird.


Blogger Ani said...

Breeeee! So cute! I want to see bigger pictures!

June 7, 2009 at 11:26 PM  
Blogger queenieweenie said...

I love it-fun, cute, and YOUNG!

June 8, 2009 at 9:02 PM  

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