Monday, September 29, 2008

cha cha cha!

I think I went to the best bridal shower; maybe even better than my own. Well except I got the presents!

Anyway, Andrea Faulkner is getting married and I am so excited for her! And we're going to be in the same ward! Her sister, Alison Faulkner Robertson, threw her an incredible party. Those Faulkner girls really do know how to party. I'm surprised the margaritas weren't spiked! No, seriously, they don't mess around.

They even had a man who knows how to sexy Latin dance come teach us some moves. I do not dance, but if I did I totally imagine how great it would be. I took the Social Dance class at BYU (at the requests of my doctors, thats IT) and we learned the Cha-Cha and I really just stood in the back and flailed my arms. The other dances I could do, but the Cha-Cha was rough. So I didn't even care to try again. If I were to be "Made" on MTV I would be made into a dancer, but thats not realistic, guys. It just won't happen. It can't happen. You know how your Mom tells you that you can be anything you want, well those Moms LIE! And I could never play an instrument. Just ask the kids I played Cello with in the 5th grade, or my Mom who let me quit piano lessons because my practicing was trying upon the whole family. "Trying" puts it nicely. Pretty much I have NO rhythm. People think its a result of my accident. It really isn't. Maybe it got a little worse. "Poor girl! She has no rhythm because she was kicked in the head by a horse!" Oh no.

Enough with the rant about how you can not do anything you want. Here is a picture:

We even got panties as party favors. How fun is that?! Probably not as fun as it would be if I wasn't strapped down with my "special underwear."


Blogger queenieweenie said... be young again and able to give panties as party favors. Sigh.

September 29, 2008 at 4:53 PM  
Blogger Jordan P said...

hey I played cello with you in the 5th grade and i've never heard anyone play twinkle twinkle so beautifully.

September 30, 2008 at 7:57 AM  
Blogger barbara said...

YOU'RE THE PRETTIESST IN THE PHOTO! Where is cousin Berit? Is Eddie really going to have surgery?xoxoxo

September 30, 2008 at 2:45 PM  

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