Wednesday, March 25, 2009


By the way, I had a wonderful birthday! Thanks for the calls and stuff. It was a good day. But you know what the one not so good thing was? Eddie came up with a wonderful party idea last night that we could only do for this year's birthday. So too bad, it will never happen. What was it?

A 24 themed party. We're 24 junkies. I think Jack Bauer is amazing. So a 24 themed party for my 24th birthday! It would probably be more stress than its worth, but we could pretend like I would actually have thrown it!! And one of the party rules would have been to never end a phone call with the words "bye" or "see you later." When you're in my home, I expect a dramatic hang up. And we will have cake, NOW!

So oh well to my not happening party. But I still got a 24 themed card.

Eddie made it. The thought process being that in 24 certain people just don't seem to pay attention to what Jack says, but it they did it wouldn't take a whole 24 hours to fix the problem. It would only take 12. And then the show would be called "12."

In the end, it was a great day. A great 24 hours.


Blogger Jordan P said...

HAHA best card ever.

It's my 24th bday in 6 months! And I'm randomly watching season 1 right now (again) and I'm so in to it!

Another party rule- the whisper yell. A JB staple.

March 26, 2009 at 4:03 PM  

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