Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Right now I'm taking both floral design and this cooking/meal preparation in the family. So that's two classes that are more homey and wifey related. Funny because for both classes I've been offered extra credit for cooking dinner and taking a picture to prove it to my teacher. Cooking dinner? Really? For my university education? Whatever, I'll take it. I cook dinner already most nights sans credit from school. So thats....great.

In my cooking class last night we made home made marsh mellows (which turned out great! Eddie asked me what kind of food I want for food storage and I told him marsh mellows!) to make into peeps and we were supposed to make white chocolate Easter Baskets to put our peeps in. HA. I said "supposed to" because I didn't. I failed miserably. This home eq. stuff is not so easy always. Last week we practiced folding napkins...also not so easy. Anyways, I couldn't make the basket and the marsh mellows got too stiff before we could form them into peeps, so we just made marsh mellow lumps. And my basket broke, so pretty much I did nothing right. Its ok because no one in the class could do it. But someone did do better than me, so I took a picture, so you could get an idea of what my education is turning into.

Go ahead and send those graduation checks...


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