Saturday, December 20, 2008

Sushi for Santa II

This year was another fun Sushi for Santa event. It seems that everyone decided it would be a good activity to attend, which is great news for the The Road Home, but a little disappointing for those who want food. I definitely had more sushi last year than I did this year cuz of the hoards of people but I think I know what this event was trying to teach me. I'll spare you the effort of figuring it out for yourself. So here it is:

You get in line with lots of other hungry people, who wait and shove (a little of both) to the front. Then you push your tiny little plate to the front and beg for a little sustenance from the food giver outter (in this case, sushi chef). Then you are rewarded with one measly piece of sushi. What do we learn? Being hungry sucks. It is hard work to beg for food. 20 bucks to get in and eat sushi? That is nothing to spare people from this debacle. Oh lesson learned. No one should go through that. I will give.

Thanks, Sushi for Santa, for the life lesson.

Here I am with Eddie, his parents Tony and Susan, along with Santa, and we are displaying the empty sushi tray.


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