Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Sorry No Post...

I have been SUCH a blog slacker. And let me tell you why. I haven't had my BYU RB job so I haven't had time to waste at a computer. Well, for now, I am back, at least until august 9th. Let me show you some of my main life events. Notice, not all of my life events. Some of you know what I'm talking about. If you don't, just ask me about my biggest life event. I'll tell you. Actually, I really like to talk about it, so PLEASE ask. I just don't think its a good idea to share my private life with the world wide web yet, for some other reasons.

We planted a garden. We're trying the idea of growing and nourishing things. We better be good.

Let me tell you what we've got: A tomato plant, lots of pepper (bell, banana, jalapeño...), 1 carrot (the rest died), cabbage, broccoli, lettuce, 1 cantaloupe, and 1 spaghetti squash. We also have basil and chives.

Eddie also built me a chicken coup.

For a while we would just let down Miley and Mariah's ramp and let them eat bugs all over our yard. BUT, they started pestering around in our garden, so we caged them in. Unless sometimes I can go outside and watch them while they run around. So, Eddie put chicken wire around the bottom. He did such a good job. There are wheels so we can easily move it, and a handle on one side, and both sides open up for easy access to clean their roosting area.

You can pull the string so their ramp goes up. We put their ramp up every night and close them up because we have 'coons in our neighborhood and we couldn't handle something happening to our little chickies. Its really pretty fancy for our chickens. They keep me occupied...


Blogger Ani said...

jealous of the yard and chicks! So fun!

June 23, 2010 at 3:59 PM  
Blogger mallory said...

Looks like fun bre...I have to say though, i need to know what your main event is. You post has made me curious.

June 23, 2010 at 5:59 PM  
Blogger Barbara Everson said...

Good luck with the garden. You didn't get that talent from me. I was never a farmer. xoxoxo

June 26, 2010 at 8:58 AM  

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