Monday, August 23, 2010

HypnoBirthing/Mongan Method

Maybe I've lost my marbles. Maybe that horse scrambled my circuits. But for the first time in my life, I'm actually considering not taking as many drugs as legally feasible when I have Jr. Eddie. Am I crazy? Actually....if you think I can't do this, DON'T TELL ME, because apparently positive thoughts are a necessity if I do go through with the HypnoBirthing/Mongan Method. I have 2 main arguments of the debate going through my head.

Natural side-- I am the result of thousand of years of natural selection. If all those mother ancestors before me we're successful in birthing their baby without drugs (because everyone from my grandma back wouldn't have had access to this medical pain relief), then I wouldn't be here today. And of all my known ancestors, my body would appear to be most like my Dad's mother (I was the only grandchild that had no problem fitting into her wedding dress (thats what grandma told me, but I recall a picture of my cousin Jefra wearing that same dress), I am her height, I look sort of like her) and that woman gave birth to 6 healthy children and was nicknamed "Two-push-Barbara" because she would get those kids out so quick and easy like (this is what I've been told, maybe I should ask her about it...) If they all could, why couldn't I?

Not So Natural, Pain Relief Side-- Some dude invented the technology to get us Americans to the moon. We went, didn't we? We used that technology. It would seem that Al Gore invented the internet, and it would appear that I'm using that technology right now. We have the drugs, and I'll still get into heaven if I use them in this scenario, so maybe I should just use them.

This is an eternal debate that I don't have the answers to. I'll write a book if I figure it out.


Blogger Sabrina said...

I do have an opinion on this here, post, but first two things. One, congratulations on the upcoming arrival. That is very exciting news. Second, Brett was leaving for a business trip this morning and printed off something from Hilton for his hotel reservation and the ad for Hilton had picture of a couple on the Great Wall that looked strikingly similar to you and Eddie. Anyway, it was fun to see you on the ad.

Now, back to the business at hand, I have done one birth with drugs and one without. I feel the same way you do about the fact that women have been giving birth for milenia w/o drugs and here we are, a multibillion people population. Drugs are certainly not necessary but can be very nice. I am the kind of person that appreciates all that modern medicine has to offer, but would like to avoid any intervention that isn't necessary. I felt much better after my natural birth, but the pushing was sure a lot nicer when I was drugged up.

Really, I suggest doing lots of reading and educating yourself and then pray and do what you feel is right. I think I'll try to do it natural each time now because even though it hurts, it is a finite time and the relief is immediate. Once that baby is born you feel like a million bucks and you don't have to deal with the after effects of the epidural. I was shaking and itchy and groggy for hours afterward.

Anyway, I wish you luck. I have no doubt you can do it natural if that's what you want (barring a c-section, should that become necessary). But, don't feel bad if you decide to take advantage of technology. Like you said, it brought us this Internet.

August 23, 2010 at 2:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Bree,
I can't remember if I congratulated you on facebook when I read your announcement...but congrats!! I also have a lot of opinions about this topic (I was going for a med-free birth, spent 22 hours unmedicated and then had an epidural for the last hour--but I still loved my birth experience for the most part, it was amazing), but the thing that I would say is that either way, you should work on relaxation exercises, etc. because I have a number of friends who planned on the epidural but went too fast to get it. One friend that really wanted an epidural and couldn't get one told me that she felt dumb and depressed for not preparing in case that had occurred. But good luck with whatever you decide to do!!
Best, Lindsay Call

August 23, 2010 at 5:05 PM  
Blogger Shannon said...

We're so excited for you guys! I completely agree with Sabrina that each side has its pros. My sister did 3 natural births via HypnoBirthing and really loved the method. I, however, loved the epidural for my first. It really helped me enjoy the whole process; I also have an extremely low pain tolerance (basically I'm a wimp). But my sis also said recovery was quicker with her natural births.

Whatever you decide, good luck!

ps, two-push Barbara is a lucky lady.

August 24, 2010 at 6:10 PM  
Blogger Kim Edwards said...

You are too funny! Seems like there are some mom's out there that say 'natural', but I say it's the only time in your life you can do drugs and it's ok! Drug me up baby!!! hahahaha I need to come over and say hi to you, baby bump, chickens, and chicken eggs. I'll call you soon

August 26, 2010 at 7:37 PM  
Blogger J & J said...

maybe i'm a wimp, but i loved my epidural. i love you either way, because both ways are fabulous in my book.

August 27, 2010 at 9:08 PM  
Blogger Heather Bliss said...

My sisters do hypno birthing and it is amazing! I've never seen such control, it's awesome! If you want to talk to someone who has done every way possible to birthing I'll hook you up with my sister. I am personally planning on going natural and doing hypno-birthing (for those less familiar it does not mean being hypnotized) and so if you want to do it I say go for it. I've got connections if you need any love, support, advice, etc. :)

August 30, 2010 at 10:48 AM  
Blogger Barbara Everson said...

Bree, Honey - With my first child - Lindsay - I was so drugged I didn't know whether I even had a baby til several hours later. It just got easier after that. xoxoxo

September 3, 2010 at 7:28 PM  
Blogger i'm jefra... said...

hypnobirth. yeah good luck with that. if you want you can use the cd david made me of his voice overdubbed over peaceful zen ocean waves.

the epidural was worth every penny.

September 29, 2010 at 10:01 AM  
Blogger Nadya said...

Nice, I like your bedroom

November 23, 2010 at 11:50 AM  

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