I'll admit it...maybe I am crafty. The proof is glaring at me. Look at my house? And I am in the process of knitting my 3rd tie. This one for the incredible Bishop Dicou. Eddie and my brother already got one. Also, look at the bunny I knit!! If thats not crafty I don't know what is! But you know what I'm not? Creative. Dictionary.com says that to create is "to cause to come into being, as something unique that would not naturally evolve or that is not made by ordinary processes." What have I done thats unique? I'm just a really good copy-cat. I do have the natural talent to pick out what is pretty dang cool and do it myself. Look at my ties for example. I take a tie I like, and knit it. Easy as that. And my "unique" home decor, I really just look at pictures or pick what wouldn't go and do that.
So lets look at my most recent crafty, but not creative, project.

I painted it. Its going in my "craft room." Notice its straight black. clearly nothing original.
So lets look at my most recent crafty, but not creative, project.

I painted it. Its going in my "craft room." Notice its straight black. clearly nothing original.